Authored on 10/03/2023 - 13:06
Kategorie aktualności

In August and September, six international teams of the Engineering Visions Summer School worked on proposing solutions to local companies' problems: Veolia Łódź, Geberit Ozoków, Borg Automotive from Zdunska Wola, and WDX based in Zgierz.

Written by mgr Grażyna Budzińska, dr inż. Dariusz Witkowski, Coordinators of the Engineering Visions Summer School


Engineering Visions (EV) Summer Schools have been organized since 2013 by a cluster of technical universities as a continuation of an initiative taken by HTW Saarland, Germany. First, prior to their arrival, EV participants attended an online module that lasted several days. Its theme was Industry 5.0, the industry of tomorrow that rests on three pillars: it is human-centered, sustainable, and resilient to risks and crises arising from a rapidly changing environment. Working in international teams and in cooperation with industry, students develop conceptual designs for solutions to the challenges our society faces today and into the future.

Previously, students completed Engineering Visions projects in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, and Poland. In 2023, TUL hosted 17 academic staff and 34 students from the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), HTW Saar University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Saxion University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), and the University West Trollhättan (Sweden). Also participating were students from various Faculties and a few academics from TUL. The Center for International Cooperation, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and the Center for Languages played an active role in organizing the event.

The Engineering Visions program not only allows you to develop knowledge and competence in the field you study, but also provides a conducive environment for acquiring the skills required in today's job market, including complex problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork in an international setting as well as critical thinking skills.

Businesses benefit from the original ideas developed through Challenge -Based Learning and the unorthodox approaches taken by young people. The initiative contributes to the strengthening of Lodz University of Technology's successful cooperation with local industry and partner universities in Europe.