Authored on 11/30/2023 - 11:45
Kategorie aktualności

The Business Zone in  the Faculty of Organization and Management has grown larger yet with the new functional space designed and paid for by the company that is well-established in Łódź and in Poland, namely BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp. z o.o., present in the Polish market for 30 years now.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, editor-in-cheif


BSH Lodz University of Technology have a history together. Their long-standing cooperation has included collaborative research and education projects as well as paid internship and scholarship schemes. Many a graduate of Lodz University of Technology works at BSH as specialists, experts, and managers. A number of degree theses explored problems suggested by BSH. The company is a member of the Faculty Business Council. Finally, BSH was voted by TUL students to be the best employer and to have the best internship and placement programs.

Rector Krzysztof Jóźwik, who participated in the opening of the #FeelAtHome space, said,

‘I am thankful that BSH has joined the ranks of companies that establish their spaces at Lodz University of Technology. For students, the opportunity to learn what the company has to offer, and what principles it follows, here at this venue, is quite meaningful. They see the keywords displayed on the walls: responsibility, trust, result focus, future focus, openness. BSH is a forward-thinking company, one that invests in the ongoing growth of our students. Perhaps the words 'Brain Storm' will stir up some valuable ideas in the minds of these young people’

Referring to the layout of the interiors prof. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Dean of the Faculty of OiZ, drew attention to the fact that  'the space is quite special: there is room for quiet self-study separable from the rest with a curtain, but there is also plenty of room for students to rest and relax between classes.’

The opening of this new space is also significant for BSH. The company was represented by dr. Jochen Heel, member of the Board of Directors, Paweł Adamowicz, Head of the Dryer Factory, and Volkan Han, Head of the Dishwasher Factory. Regrettably, Ms. Małgorzata Jardzioch, Head of the Washing Machine Factory, who spearheaded the efforts to open the BSH area in the Faculty of OiZ, could not attend.

Dr. Jochen Heel asserted that universities are the beacon pointing the way for next generations of young talent. From there, he continued, flows the company's contentment in collaborating and offering students many opportunities to apply their knowledge in practice. Pleased with the fact that BSH can contribute to the success of young engineering talent, he said, 'That cozy space is intended to make students feel at home.’ And #FeelAtHomewas the tagline on the ribbon that was cut to mark the opening of the new space in the Faculty.
Mr. Paweł Adamowicz, expressed his hope for the space to inspire students to come up with their best ideas. He also wished for further graduates to join BSH to, as he said, ‘make life more comfortable for customers around the world.’
