Authored on 07/13/2023 - 15:18
Kategorie aktualności

Aleksander Skóra, a student of the Lodz University of Technology Secondary School, won a silver medal at the 34th International Biological Olympiad, held in the United Arab Emirates. During the closing ceremony, he stepped onto the podium, holding the Polish flag, feeling quite pleased with the tremendous success he had achieved. He is, after all, among the best young biologists in the world.

Written by Ewa Chojnacka, edito-in-chief


The International Biology Olympiad is one of the world's most prominent competitions in the field of biology. It attracted in excess of 320 outstanding young individuals from 80 countries, as well as a large number of biology experts from around the world.

The participants of the 34th edition were required to take an extensive series of six tests and participate in a set of workshops. Two of the tests gauged theoretical knowledge and were administered via computer. They covered a vast range of subjects, including anatomy, animal and plant physiology, cell science, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, ecology, and biosystems. The remaining four consisted of experiments, particularly in biochemistry, plant molecular biology, bioinformatics, and ecology and ethics.

The medal ceremony was opened by Minister of Education dr Ahmed Belhoul Al Falasi, who, among other things, spoke about the role of the International Olympiad in fostering creativity and advancing the knowledge of those who may in the future become scientists and inventors, who will build a better future for us all. Medals were presented to the winners by dr Amna Al Dahak Al Shamsi of the Ministry of Education, chairwoman of the Organizing Committee of the 34th International Biology Olympiad, and dr Lenka Libusová, chairwoman of the Executive Committee.

The closing ceremony concluded with the handover of the official IBO flag and trophy from the United Arab Emirates to Kazakhstan, host of the 2024 event.

Who exactly is the winner in the Olympiad from Łódź?

Olek Skóra has just completed the second grade of the biology and chemistry curriculum. His tutor, a teacher of Polish, mgr Katarzyna Pawłowska-Raf says,

'Olek has been passionate about biology for years, so much so that when talking about an animal or a plant, he not only can describe it in detail, but knows its Latin name. He is a well-rounded student, achieving excellent results in all subjects. I can also call him an arts and humanities individual: he is well-read and eloquent, the classics of Polish literature hold no secrets for him. In various classroom situations, he will quote from the works of Mickiewicz or Sienkiewicz. He was raised in the spirit of appreciation of the traditions and ancient culture in general. He is a lad of great sensitivity and responsibility, very cooperative and kind, he is well liked by both students and teachers’.