Authored on 09/07/2023 - 13:39
Kategorie aktualności

The National Plein Air Workshops for Architecture Students took place in Chełmno on the Vistula river (July 10-20). They have been held by the Chełmno City Hall since 2004, and are organized as a competition, with the best works honored with prizes. Students from the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, TUL, have been taking part in the Chełmno plein air workshops since their very beginnings, and this year they scooped half of the prize pool.

Written by dr inż. Joanna Matuszewska, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning


Direct encounter with the medieval city and its exquisitely preserved Gothic architecture must feel entirely different kind of experience compared to sitting in class in the drawing rooms of the university. Being able to study the buildings and their details in their natural surroundings gives students the opportunity to glean knowledge directly from architectural objects, enhances their perception, and develops their future professional skills to shape form and space.

Each year, the plein air drawing competition held in the charming atmosphere of the city attracts representatives of many universities, and not all of them Polish. This year, nine academic institutions participated in the contest. They hailed from Łódź, Kraków, Katowice, Lublin, Opole, Bydgoszcz, Radom, Szczecin and Lviv. Fourteen prizes and honorable mentions were awarded, half of which were scooped by TUL’s architecture students.

Competition winners from Lodz University of Technology:

I prize in the category:

  • painting: Amelia Wiaderna
  • graphics, Piotr Gawłowski Award: Amelia Wiaderna

II prize in the category:

  • painting: Martyna Gola
  • graphics: Amelia Wiaderna

Honorable mention III in the category Painting

  • Ignacy Szefliński

Special honorable mention in the category:

  • graphics: Maria Małecka
  • painting: Justyna Walewska

All of the awarded artworks were completed under the guidance of dr inż. arch. Joanna Matuszewska.

The artworks created by the participants in the course of the previous plein air workshops have been exhibited in Poland and abroad, which has significantly influenced the visibility and attractiveness of the Faculty. To have the works of the students of TUL exhibited to a wider audience in Poland and abroad and to have their reproductions published in the Chełmno in paintings annual book series have bolstered the Faculty’s visibility and attractivess on the national arena.

We wish to congratulate to all this year’s winners of the competition!