Authored on 09/07/2023 - 13:03
Kategorie aktualności

President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda conferred the academic title of Professor of the Arts on dr hab. inż. Piotr Mastalerz from the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design at TUL, in the discipline of Fine Arts and Art Conservation.


Professor Piotr Mastalerz

He is a graduate of the Władysław Strzemiński State Higher School of Visual Arts in Łódź (now the Academy of Fine Arts). He defended his Master thesis with distinction in 1993. In 2001, the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź awarded him a doctoral degree in fine arts, and in 2010 he completed his postdoctoral degree.

Since the beginning of his career, he has been associated with Lodz University of Technology, taking a position as an assistant at the newly established TUL Department of Architecture of Textiles. He has contributed to each successive stage in the development of the department, which now operates under the name of the Institute of Architecture of Textiles, as well as to the design and development of the curriculum of the Design degree program.

Professor Mastalerz's interests revolve around easel painting, unique forms of printing on fabric and on spatial objects. The main goal of his academic inquiries is to find appropriate forms of visual communication to induce the viewer to calm down and concentrate on existential issues. Professor Mastalerz has developed his own language of expression - one that is recognizable and appreciated by the artistic community, critics, and audiences. His artistic output includes 30 individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad as well as contribution to 78 collective presentations. He has been awarded and honored on several occasions at national and international art competitions.

Outside of his artistic work, he is engaged in art publishing and popularizing. He is also the curator of the art gallery 'Politechnika', which has been operating for many years at the TUL Faculty of Chemistry.
He has been supervised one doctoral dissertation and reviewed many others prepared at art schools. He has attended many research conferences crossing the fields of art and social communication sciences which featured original lectures on the theory of visual arts.

In his personal life, his other pursuits are music as a performing instrumentalist, as well as all kinds of sports-related activities.