Authored on 11/30/2023 - 12:08
Kategorie aktualności

Dozens of meetings, thousands of coffees drunk and lots of experiences exchanged – this is what this year's mobility week looked like, organized by TUL International Cooperation Centre between November 20 and 24, 2023.

Written by Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz, International Cooperation Centre, TUL


For 5 days, students had the chance not only to integrate during quizzes and breakfasts with foreign mates, but most importantly to find out all about international exchange – both at faculty meetings and at the Erasmus Café. This event brought together students who have already participated in the Erasmus+ programme and those who are just considering it, and its aim was to create an opportunity to exchange experiences and dispel potential doubts among peers, while enjoying sweet refreshments.

Keeping up with annual tradition, a mobile café – the ParkCafe coffee truck – was parked at both TUL campuses throughout the week. Coffee and cake for a symbolic zloty encouraged students to stop and ask ICC staff all their troubling questions about mobility opportunities offered by both the Erasmus+ programme and the European Consortium of Innovative Universities ECIU, to which Lodz University of Technology belongs. – Meetings at the coffee truck are one of the few opportunities to introduce students and staff to the wide range of Erasmus+ offerings in an informal atmosphere, outside the ICC office, resulting in greater boldness and openness in asking questions. This form of shortening the distance between the "office lady" and the student was crucial and led to many conversations that will hopefully increase the number of mobility trips,"– stresses Karolina Adamiak from the Student Mobility Division. – We have no doubt that many of these conversations would not have happened if we did not reach out directly to students with our promotional activities. The Mobility Week made us realize that students are not aware of all the opportunities offered by mobility programmes, such as short-term mobility, – she adds.

The Mobility Week is an event directed not only to students. Academic staff met at a gala summing up the international mobility of TUL academic community within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and the Education Programme in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. The event was attended by Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, TUL rector, and the vice-rector for education, dr hab. inż. Andrzej Romanowski, TUL Prof. The rectors presented the "Mobility Leaders" awards to the units that sent the largest number of students and employees on mobility. This year they went to:

•    "Mobility Leader – mobility for studies": Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design, TUL
•    "Vice-Leader of Mobility – mobility for studies": Faculty of Organization and Management, TUL
•    "2nd Vice-Leader of Mobility – mobility for studies": Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, TUL
•    "Mobility Leader – mobility for internship": Faculty of Chemistry, TUL
•    "Vice-Leader of Mobility – mobility for internship": Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, TUL
•    "2nd Vice-Leader of Mobility – mobility for internship": Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design, TUL
•    "2nd Vice-Leader of Mobility – staff mobility": Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering, TUL
A photo competition for staff entitled: " Leon the Lion’s Mobilities" was also resolved. The winners of the competition for the best photo of the TUL's mascot - Leon the Lion - during a trip abroad were:
•    1st place – dr hab. inż. Sebastian Borowski from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences
•    2nd place – mgr Edyta Jacoń from the Faculty of Organization and Management
•    3rd place – mgr Beata Myszkorowska from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences

The formal staff meeting was topped off with refreshments which provided an excellent opportunity for networking and celebrating the success achieved.