Budynek LabFactor  na Wydziale WIPOŚ, fot. arch. PŁ
Authored on 11/24/2022 - 11:32
Kategorie aktualności

For a few days, from 23 to 27 November, visitors from 7 countries: Estonia, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine and Poland, will come to Lodz University of Technology to participate in the 9th international training conference for doctoral candidates from the Baltic Sea region - BUP 9th PhD Students training "Interdisciplinary-Multicultural-International".

M. Podsędkowski, IDS
Authored on 11/09/2022 - 08:28
Kategorie aktualności

New applications for drones continue to emerge, which requires their continuous improvement. This is the problem being tackled by Maciej Podsędkowski, M.Sc., who is pursuing his doctoral thesis in the field of mechanical engineering, at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology.

Czterostronne porozumienie podpisano w EC1, fot. Jacek Szabela
Authored on 11/04/2022 - 09:05
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology, the City of Lodz, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Poland and the Danfoss company signed (3.11) an agreement on cooperation to improve energy efficiency in the building industry in Lodz.

Rektor PŁ z certfikatem za wyrózniona informatyke
Authored on 10/28/2022 - 22:02
Kategorie aktualności

During the Quality Forum, held yesterday (27.10) as part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Polish Accreditation Committee, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, Rector of TUL, received the Certificate of Educational Excellence for the field of Computer Science.

Opening of the Non-public TUL Kindergarten - cutting the ribbon, photo: Jacek Szabela
Authored on 10/27/2022 - 08:58
Kategorie aktualności

The youngest group of pre-school children has been attending the kindergarten for over a month now. Now is the time for the official opening and presentation of what the latest investment dedicated to the children of employees, students and doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology looks like.

building of the Institute of Turbomachinery
Authored on 09/07/2022 - 09:48
Kategorie aktualności

Lodz University of Technology, in a consortium with business partners from Poland and Turkey, will develop a household wind turbine capable of cooperation and integration with other renewable energy sources. The National Centre for Research and Development and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey have granted more than €300,000 for the research.

prof. Halina Abramczyk w Laboratorium laserowej spektroskopii molekularnej w MITR PŁ.
Authored on 08/30/2022 - 10:35
Kategorie aktualności

This is the question Professor Halina Abramczyk of the Interdepartmental Institute of Radiation Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of Lodz University of Technology is seeking to answer. The National Science Centre has awarded her nearly PLN 1.5 million for research into the recognition of cell signals in cancer.

Podpisanie umowy na termomoernizację budynków
Authored on 08/16/2022 - 15:45
Kategorie aktualności

On Friday (12 August), Vice-President of the Management Board - National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW), Artur Michalski, and the Vice-Rector for Education at TUL, Professor Andrzej Romanowski, signed an agreement to subsidise the thermomodernization of TUL buildings.