
Dr Joanna Oracz (Food Technology and Nutrition, no. of publications in 2013-2020: 35; FWCI: 1.65; international cooperation: 66.7%; h-index: 16; publications in Top 10 Citation percentile: 23.8%).

Employed at TUL in 2017 as an Assistant Professor.

Her scientific interests concentrate on: the impact of processing of selected plant materials on the content of biologically active compounds.

Application of new techniques to the isolation and identification of biologically active compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity, study of interaction of food ingredients, their biological activity and bioavailability.

She was the principal investigator in PRELUDIUM research project funded by NCN (2013-2014).

She defended her PhD thesis with distinction in 2015 and received an Award form Polmos Żyrardów factory in 2016.

She was the Guest Co-editor of the Special Issue on "Antioxidants in Cocoa" in Antioxidants (MDPI) journal (IF 4.520) in 2019.