
Tło główne
Tło główne
Tło główne
HR Excellence in Research - baner

Bioeconomy, an interdisciplinary field of study offered jointly by three universities within the UT3 Agreement

Bioeconomy is an interdisciplinary field of study offered jointly by three universities within the UT3 Agreement signed by the following three technical universities: Lodz University of Technology (TUL), Warsaw University of Technology (PW) and Military University of Technology in Warsaw (WAT). Graduates will be awarded the degree of inżynier by the three universities.


Admissions to the first-cycle inżynier degree in this unique field of study will be offered by the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences of Lodz University of Technology starting from the next academic year.


Each one of the three universities will offer admissions to this field of study separately and each one is expecting to have 30 places to offer to candidates. Students will follow the same curriculum: they will complete the first three semesters at their respective home universities; the next three semesters, the so-called rotation semesters, will be completed at TUL (4th semester), PW (5th semester) and WAT (6th semester). For the final, diploma semester (7th semester) the students will return to their respective home universities.


What makes the interdisciplinary field of study bioeconomy unique is the comprehensive approach to new solutions for bioeconomy. It is the first engineering field of study in Poland for which such educational objectives have been formulated. Pooled capacity of the three foremost universities imparts added value to the degree programme.

Date of record:2016-02-05
Date of actualization:
end date:
Submitted by:
Anna Boczkowska